Chief Ian Campbell - Lions Gate Hospital Foundation

Artist: Chief Ian Campbell

Title: Twin Sisters

Dimensions: 20" x 16"

Medium: Oil on Canvas


Description: Chichiyuy Elxwikn are the original name of the iconic Twin Sisters peaks on the North Shore. The story occurred in the mythological times during a time of inter-tribal warfare on the West Coast. It is said that a Haida war party attacked the Squamish people in the village of Xwmelchstn (Capilano). Haida warriors captured twin sisters who were Schelhne7ech (Princesses) and took them back to Haida Gwaii. The warrior brother soon fell in love with the twin sisters and were given permission to marry them. The Princesses demonstrated great integrity toward their new family, and asked for the warring to end as they are now family. The Haida soon returned to make peace with the Squamish where a great feast was held in honour of the peace makers. The Xays (transformers) saw this great deed and transformed the twin sisters into the mountain peaks to remind each generation to live in peace with each other.

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