Health Education Grants
Lions Gate Hospital Foundation recognizes the importance of continuous learning to the success of both individual workers and to Vancouver Coastal Health as a whole. Lions Gate Hospital Foundation has created the Staff Education Fund as a way to encourage and support VCH North Shore staff in their educational endeavours. This special fund was created with a dual purpose:- to support staff in achieving their educational and professional goals
- to add value to the organization
Application form available here – North Shore Staff Education Fund Application form.
Who is eligible to access these funds?
- All regular full-time employees who have worked for a minimum of one year within publicly funded health care facilities on the North Shore (e.g. Cedarview, Kiwanis Care Centre, Lions Gate Hospital, etc.)
- Casual or part-time employees who have worked for the equivalent of one full-time year (1950 hours) and worked 350 hours within the last year in publicly funded health care facilities on the North Shore.
What can I get funding for?
This fund supports VCH North Shore employees who are seeking:
- Professional development. For example, conferences, seminars or courses related to their current job/role in the organization
- To expand their career options in health care in the VCH North Shore. For example, skill upgrading from LPN to RN, or Home Support Worker to Medical Office Assistant – through post-secondary education courses or programs
- To expand their academic qualifications related to a health care career in VCH North Shore. For example, obtaining a bachelor’s, master’s or Ph.D. degree
How much money can I apply for?
- A maximum of up to $1,000 a year to support professional development such as conferences, seminars, workshops, or diploma programs. The fund will support 50% of the conference or the course registration fee dependent on available funds.
- A maximum of up to $2,000 a year can be applied for towards a University degree – either an Undergraduate or Masters Degree. The fund will support 50% of the registration fee dependent on available funds up to a maximum of $8,000 per degree. Please note: VCH staff sponsored in the MALD program (Masters of Arts in Leadership and Development) at Royal Roads University will not be eligible for the staff education fund.
What else do I need to know before applying?
- If you resign from the organization within two years of receiving funding, you must refund the grant in full.
- Your manager must approve your funding request.
- You are expected to share your learning in one or more of the following ways: a workshop, presentation or in-service for colleagues; a written report for distribution to interested colleagues; a commitment to coach others in the organization;
- All fee receipts as well as confirmation of course completion must be submitted within one month of completion of semester, course, workshop, etc.
- You should apply WITHIN THREE MONTHS of attending or completing an education program/event. Funds will not be granted more than THREE MONTHS RETROACTIVELY.
Required Information
Further funding requests will not be processed without this documentation.
- Manager’s signature on the application.
- Copy of course details should be included with your application.
- Proof of registration should be included with your application form or within one month of course start date.
- Proof of payment should be included with your application form or within one month of course start date. Once your proof of payment is received in the Foundation office, a cheque will be issued.
- Proof of completion documents must be submitted within one month of completion of course(s) or event or at the end of each session of a degree program.
Who decides how funds are granted?
A committee with representation from the Foundation, from Programs and from Support Services meets quarterly on the 2nd Thursday of March, June, September, and December.
How will I know if my request has been approved?
All applicants will be notified within two weeks of the Advisory Committee meetings of the status of their request. You will be advised as to what date your cheque will be available from the Foundation office at Lions Gate Hospital. When should I submit my application?- You should APPLY WITHIN THREE MONTHS OF ATTENDING or completing an education program/event.
- You may apply for an upcoming course (starting within three months of application. In this case, once the funding request has been approved, receipt of documentation showing registration and payment must be received in order to access the funds.
- Funds will NOT be granted more than THREE MONTHS RETROACTIVELY.
- Please have application in to the Foundation office at least two weeks before the committee meets.
- Deadlines for applications will be posted on the Foundation display wall and in the elevators.
Where can I get application forms?
Printed application forms are available in the Learning & Development offices, in union offices, at posting boards and in the Foundation office at Lions Gate Hospital. You can also download a PDF document of the North Shore Staff Education Fund Application (pdf) form.