Cogswell, Barry - Lions Gate Hospital Foundation

Artist: Barry Cogswell

Title: Chimaera Birdwing / Goliath Birdwing / He saw It Was Good / Queen Vicoria's Birdwing

Dimensions: 38" x 67" / 48" x 46" / 38" x 76" x 4.5"

Medium: Acrylic on panel / Acrylic


Description: Barry Cogswell was born in England where he studied art, had a studio, and practiced art as a painter, sculptor, and ceramicist. In 1969, Cogswell immigrated to Vancouver, where he lived and worked until his passing in 2017. His career as an artist began as early as the 1960 and he became successful as a sculptor during the seventies and early eighties. In 1983, Cogswell was invited to exhibit in Stuttgart Germany in an exhibition showcasing contemporary trends in Canadian installation art. He then quit exhibiting and created work which more accurately reflected his views of the realities of the world at the end of the 20th century. He combined his horror at the insanity of the human destruction of the environment with his desire to return to the discipline of painting. Although he never intended on exhibiting these works, he realized that he could use these paintings to benefit the environment by contributing part of the proceeds to groups that advocated for the protection of the natural environment.

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