7th Annual LGH Community Cares Gala 第七届【关爱耀狮门】慈善晚宴 - Lions Gate Hospital Foundation
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7th Annual LGH Community Cares Gala 第七届【关爱耀狮门】慈善晚宴

November 2 @ 6:00 pm 10:00 pm

Fairmont Waterfront Hotel

Welcome to the 7th Annual LGH Community Cares Gala

Hosted by LGH Foundation’s Asian Advisory Committee: Edith Chan (Chair), Yang Wang (Past Chair), Angela Cheng, Angela Fan, Amanda Liang, Yin Jia, Eileen Wang, Jessie Xiao, Beyond Yang and Qi Zhu.

Join us for an elegant evening that will bring together more than 300 businesses, influential community leaders and supporters to raise much-needed funds to support our Bigger, Better Cancer Care Campaign. Your generous contributions will help us redevelop the Oncology Clinic at LGH, helping more people not just survive, but thrive, following a cancer diagnosis.

Guests will be the STAR of the event and enjoy a red carpet-themed event which includes a reception, three-course dinner, fashion show, live entertainment, fabulous live and silent auctions and an awards ceremony.

6:00 pm – Reception

7:30 pm – Dinner, Fashion Show, Live Performances & Award Ceremony

Dress – Formal

Tickets are available at $600 per person (with a tax receiptable portion of $350).

If you have any enquiries or would like more information to become a sponsor of this event, please contact Stephanie Io at [email protected] or 604.312.4435



2024年11月2日 (星期六),下午6点


狮门医院基金会亚裔咨询委员会成员包括: 蔡韫珍 (主席)、汪洋 (上届主席)、程娟娟、范海燕、梁文俐、贾音、王伽瑶、肖嘉雯、杨宇、朱琦

诚邀出席这个充满爱心的夜晚,本年度慈善晚宴预计将有超过300位企业家、社区领袖和支持者相聚在一起,共同为狮门医院基金会现正推行的“癌症护理”(Bigger, Better Cancer Care)筹款项目募集善款。您的慷慨捐赠将帮助狮门医院扩大和加强癌症护理中心的综合防治医疗服务,提高患者的治疗和恢复效果,为患者们带来重拾正常生活的希望和机会。




着 装 礼服 & 正装

门票价格:$600 / 每位( 其中可获退税 $350 )

如欲了解更多有关慈善晚宴的详情或有兴趣成为此年度活动赞助,请通过电邮:[email protected] 或电话:604.312.4435,与姚女士(Stephanie Io)联系。

Thank You To Our Generous Sponsor


Presenting Sponsor 冠名赞助

Diamond Sponsor 钻石赞助

Gold Sponsor 黄金赞助

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