Giving Tuesday 2023 - Lions Gate Hospital Foundation


This Giving Tuesday, your donations will support vulnerable people in our community who need financial support to stay well in their homes. With $20,000 in matching funds from our generous supporter and local North Shore resident, Joan Proudfoot, we’re seeking $20,000 from our donors like you. Help us reach our 20/20 Matching Mission to raise $40,000 in 24 hours!

Our Lend a Hand Fund is a vital resource for Vancouver Coastal Health care teams who work with adults dealing with chronic health issues and financial and social difficulties in North and West Vancouver.

100% of the donations raised during Giving Tuesday will go to this important fund. Each donation we receive will also be doubled by matching funds up to $20,000. If you make a donation today, you can help us maximize the match and raise up to $40,000 for this essential community fund.

Client Stories

A message from our matching donor

Every donation of every size greatly benefits our neighbours struggling to afford essentials such as groceries, dental care, prescriptions, transportation, footwear, equipment repair, or even a month’s rent.

Your contribution will help bridge the gap for these individuals, while staff help them to access longer-term financial support. Not only will your donations help avert a future crises for individuals, your donation will help reduce stress, improve living conditions, ultimately stabilize, and improve their state of health.

With the holiday season approaching, your donations are crucial in replenishing the Lend a Hand Fund. Your support ensures that our community healthcare teams can continue to provide this extra help to the most vulnerable in our community.

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