North Shore Hospice Butterfly Wall
For those who have passed away at the North Shore Hospice, family members or friends can donate towards either a:

It will be displayed on the ‘In Celebration” Wall at the Hospice for the life of the wall or 25 years, whichever comes first. The wall is located on the exterior South East corner of the Sacred Space facing the Healing Garden.
Family members are given the opportunity to place the Butterfly or Flower on the “In Celebration” wall at the Hospice.
Displaying a loved ones name on the “In Celebration” Wall is very special way to celebrate the life of a family member or friend, while supporting the Palliative and Hospice programs.
All donations are tax deductible with 100 % of the proceeds benefiting our Hospice, patients and families.
Submit the form below to celebrate your loved one.