Mina Molavi, Dr. Les Janz Leadership Award - Lions Gate Hospital Foundation

Mina Molavi, Dr. Les Janz Leadership Award

“Mina exemplifies outstanding achievement in her dedication to clients, the program and her team!”

Congratulations to former Coordinator of Mental Health Housing at the HOpe Centre, Mina Molavi, the recipient of our Les Janz Leadership Award.

Mina has been the team lead for Mental Health Housing since 2010, and since that time she has led the team and supported clients and their families with respect, dignity and professionalism.

Since being a Team Leader, Mina has grown the North Shore Mental Health Housing team into a multidisciplinary one, which provides clients with complete care. With her big personality, booming laugh and her appreciation for all the eccentricities of her team, Mina has created an environment that is accepting, inclusive and has room for playfulness.

Mina also values the contributions and insights of all staff members. She recognizes and honours their strengths while giving them autonomy along with clear guidance when needed. Several team members also mentioned that they applied for and stayed in positions with the Housing Team because they love working under Mina’s exemplary leadership.

“I’ve been working on the North Shore my entire career,” says Mina. “I’ve been with this team for 12 years now, and you are all like family to me. It’s such a privilege to be nominated. Thank you very much everyone.”

Learn more about Mina and watch her receive the award below.

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