Will Wording - Lions Gate Hospital Foundation

We are pleased to discuss with you or your financial/legal advisor about the many different types of bequests and the ways to designate your gift to an area of your choice.  Below are some broad guidelines for ensuring your gift to Lions Gate Hospital Foundation is received as you intend.

Will Wording

When making a beneficiary designation or providing for the hospital in your Will, the correct legal name to use is:

Lions Gate Hospital Foundation

Charitable BN# 11902 0907 RR0001

If you would like to leave an Unrestricted Bequest

Your gift will be directed to the area of greatest need at the time it is received.

“I give to LIONS GATE HOSPITAL FOUNDATION, Charitable BN# 119020907RR0001, the sum of $____ (or % of my estate) to be applied to the area of greatest need.”

If you would like to leave a Restricted Bequest

You direct your gift towards a specific purpose. As your gift may be realized many years into the future, LGHF encourages donors considering this type of gift to speak with a member of our Planned Giving team to assist you with the wording for a gift to fund departments, equipment or facilities.

“I give to LIONS GATE HOSPITAL FOUNDATION, Charitable BN# 119020907RR0001, the sum of $___ (or % of my estate) to be used to support [insert purpose].” (eg. the purchase and maintenance of medical equipment)

Power to Vary Provision: It is recommended that the following paragraph be added if the bequest is restricted.

“If, in the opinion of the Board of Directors of Lions Gate Hospital Foundation, it should become impossible, inadvisable, or impractical to use this gift for the specified purpose(s), then the Board may at its discretion use the gift to the best advantage of Lions Gate Hospital Foundation, keeping in mind the original wishes of the donor.”

If you would like to leave a Residual Bequest

Deals with whatever remains of your estate after all debts, taxes, expenses, and all other bequests have been paid.

“I give to LIONS GATE HOSPITAL FOUNDATION, Charitable BN# 119020907RR0001, all (or %) of the residue of my estate.”

If you would like to leave a Contingent Bequest

A gift that only takes place if you are not survived by certain individuals.

“If (name/s of primary beneficiary/ies) does not survive me, or shall die within thirty (30) days of my death, then I give to LIONS GATE HOSPITAL FOUNDATION, Charitable BN# 119020907RR0001, (describe amount of cash, property or percentage of residual interest).”

Questions? I am here to help

I would be pleased to answer your questions and provide additional information on leaving a Legacy to Lions Gate Hospital Foundation. Please contact me at any time.

Carolyn Anderson

Director of Planned Giving

Email: Carolyn.Anderson@vch.ca

Phone: 604-984-5857

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