Lunar New Year - Lions Gate Hospital Foundation

Lunar New Year greetings from everyone at Lions Gate Hospital Foundation! We wish you a healthy and hopeful Year of the Tiger.

The start of the Lunar New Year is a time for looking forward to the future, making changes and great optimism.

We are raising funds for a second MRI machine to be installed at LGH. As a result, many more patients will receive faster diagnosis and treatment. If you would like to support patient care during this time of community celebration, please make a donation by completing the form below.

狮门医院基金会全体成员向您致以春节问候! 祝您虎年虎虎生风、心想事成!

我们目前正为狮门医院配置第二台 MRI 核磁共振扫描仪筹集善款,从而让更多的患者能得到更快的诊断和治疗。如果您希望在农历新年这个辞旧迎新、展望未来的时刻,支持社区医疗服务,请填写以下表格进行捐赠。

Thank you for your support and help bring Life-Saving Imaging to the North Shore!


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