“Seven months ago I was rushed to the Emergency Department at Lions Gate Hospital in pain and distress. Today, I’m back on my feet at home with my wife Jeannie.” – Rod Senft
In May, I survived a sudden and near fatal bout of acute pneumonia. At Lions Gate
Hospital I experienced medical care at its finest. I was home with a diagnosed viral infection.
Suddenly, my condition deteriorated and I needed help fast.
I was struggling to breathe and in severe pain. In the ambulance I wondered how I had
gotten into so much difficulty so quickly? In Emergency, we could hear the physicians
diagnosing my life threatening situation.
With the help of a new CT Scanner, the medical team determined that I was at a tipping
point. One side of my lungs had filled with fluid. The other was deteriorating quickly
putting severe strain on my heart. My body seemed to be shutting down.
Looking back, I know I received first class medical care. Our doctors handled my crisis
with remarkable professionalism. After leaving the Emergency Department I spent
the next few weeks in the hospital recovering.
Inspired by the tenacity of the medical team that fought to save my life, I’m supporting a special new unit that will provide specialist care for patients with complex medical needs.
I now understand that if LGH had a specialized Critical Care Unit, I would have been a prime candidate for admission.
In recovery I didn’t need moment to moment care in Intensive Care. However, I did need
more observation and support above and beyond what is available in the standard ward
where nurses are stretched looking after up to five patients.
As a patient, I have seen the gap in the system and I realize I was fortunate. I am grateful that
LGH Foundation has made a commitment to create specialized services for patients with
complex and potentially life-threatening health issues by funding a new Critical Care Unit.
We are asking friends and people like you in our community to help us raise the funds
needed to build this essential unit. The Critical Care Unit will have a life-changing
impact on the lives of thousands of patients and their loved ones.
We take our health for granted until we lose it. There are seasons in everyone’s life. No one escapes those seasons. Today or tomorrow Lions Gate Hospital is going to be extremely important to you and those you love.